Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I am so freaking anxious. I do not think I have ever been this bad... I wonder if this is a reaction to Zoloft?? I wake up in the morning, and I am literally paralyzed with anxiety. I am frozen and I just lay there with my mind racing, and overwhelming feelings of terror and doom.

Today I was supposed to catch up with S for breakfast at Kings Park. Well I realized I had an assignment due that I had to do, and that's what I told her,  but tbh mostly it was the overwhelming anxiety that kept me from going.

I didn't move from my bed until 12pm, although I was awake for hours, I was frozen. I got up because I had group therapy in the afternoon. I made myself get up and get ready, but omg was it hard to do. I don't really know if I should have been driving there, but I did anyway.
We had two pharmacists come to the session and discuss medicines with us. I actually really enjoyed the session, more just being with the group rather than learning things, because it was basically stuff I already knew.

Unfortunately I can't get in to a psychiatrist appointment until another 2 weeks, as the receptionist told me they are totally booked out. I need to talk about this damn anxiety, its really getting me down. I'm like too terrified to do anything and leave the house most of the time. Last time I was like that Dr D. said that it was paranoia, but I don't think it is this time. I'm not having paranoid delusions or anything, but I have this constant FEAR, not in relation to any one thing, its just there, and really incapacitating! :S

I do feel a bit stressed about uni work as well. Me and A are going to geraldton next weekend to play music at a readers and writers festival, but I also have a lab report and a seminar due for pharmacology, feel a bit overwhelmed by it.

Also, how the hell am I supposed to perform music in this anxious state??

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