Saturday, December 20, 2014

Barking Mad

I don't know if I've mentioned it, but I love the comic series Hyperbole and a Half. I was discussing recently with a friend that I have a tonne of Napolean-the-service-dog stories that are yet to be told. Meshing these two ideas together, I decided to try and create my own comic series using good ol' fashioned "paint."

So here is my first mini trial run - an artistic depiction of the first time I took Napolean to the shopping centre, and the adventures that befell us whilst sitting down for a coffee.

First things first, introductions.

This is my big white hairy wolfhound x dog, Napolean:
This is me; I'm a human:

Napolean is a "Psychiatric Assistance Dog", AKA "Portable Teddy Bear". This is what we look like when N-dog is "working":

 So, this fine day, N-dog and I decided to face our social anxiety fears and go to the local supermarket. We decided to have a break and sit down for a coffee.
Suddenly, we are approached by a batty looking middle aged woman...

... and I'm not deaf, either. This lady had a voice like a frog-horn. There wasn't one person within a 5 mile radius who couldn't hear her. Then she proceeded to ask a very deep question:
While I was trying to come up with a response to this philosophical enquiry, as well as politely point out for a second time that I wasn't actually blind, and that poop was very visable to me,  and that in fact N-dog was well toilet trained....
The lady shuffles off as if she forgot that she were even speaking to me.

After this first encounter, Ndog and I were unsure whether we really were ready to face the outside world. Fortunately for you, dear reader, our bravery prevailed, leading to many more hilarious and weird public encounters ....

THE END (for now...)

Hope you enjoyed it!!


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