Monday, March 24, 2014

An Emotional Human, And Her Dog

 Some more dog pictures...

^^Napolean deciding that he's sleeping on our bed tonight!

^Napolean likes to lie in the hallway exactly half-way between Ambrose's study room and my own XD

^Trying to steal food off Ambrose... ninja-style!

This is the tattoo that I wanted to get designed as an armband - but I wanted to change the dragon to look like Falkor from never ending story, like give him floppy dog ears :P 

Can't be bothered writing much about my life atm... am struggling a bit with fatigue/lack of motivation but otherwise doing fine.
Apart from the random break down during a flute lesson at university - couldn't stop crying in front of my teacher (and principle flautist of WASO), how embaressing!! However after a couple of days in bed I picked up again :) So weird how I have those random melt-downs seemingly without warning, and then I'm fine again, wtf! Is that a borderline personality thing? It's not like bipolar episodes, just random emotional breakdowns!  Can be really awkward when you are in front of other people and can't control it though.. especially as am doing a music performance post-graduate :/ No idea where all these wild emotions come from with me! Oh well, just keep going I guess, can't let it stop me from pursuing what I want to do, right?


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