Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Down the Rabbit Hole

I can't help thinking that I'm dead. That I died and just went on existing, somehow. No matter how hard I try to find solid ground, a steady grasp of reality, things are always shifting, shifting. I don't like it. I don't like being like this, in this state.

(screenshot from the game "Alice Madness Returns" - which I have never played btw)



  1. Sometimes I feel that way and I hate it. It's the worst feeling in the world. You have to find the things that make you feel blessed and hold on to them, remind yourself of them. <3 huge hug

    I've played it! It's pretty hard actually and they need save points that are closer together because when you die or mess up you have to go pretty far back and do it all again. It was really fun though. I recommend it. :)

  2. Thanks for your message Eve :) Luckily I have a huge wolfhound dog to hug whenever I'm feeling confused :) The "alice" game did look pretty cool, I might give it a try! Hope you are well xx


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